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Ryan Sweeder & Rachel Barnard - LB 171


"LB 171 uses technology components to engage students in high-quality studying techniques that have been shown to lead to increased learning."

- Ryan Sweeder & Rachel Barnard -

LB 171 is the first semester general chemistry course offered in Lyman Briggs College at Michigan State University. It is taught as an active lecture course meaning that it includes a mix of shorter lecture segments interspersed with students answering questions or doing activities (iClicker question, drawing on white boards, discussing content with peers, etc.). This nomination focuses on two added components that were technology based. One component used Remind and Google Forms to have students answer challenging questions that used newly learned content prior to the next class. Exemplar student answers were used by the instructors to both revisit and expand on the content, but also to provide formative assessment regarding students’ ability to construct scientific explanations and models. The second of the two technologies involved the instructors grading students open ended exams via the CrowdMark online grading platform. This then allowed for two stage exam feedback where the students could reflect and try to correct their own work between the two layers of feedback. Both technologies encourage students to engage in high-quality studying techniques that have been shown to lead to increased learning. The award applicants have had peer-reviewed publications on the use and usefulness of these two technologies in this course.

Technology Used

  • Remind
  • Google Forms
  • CrowdMark

Team Members

  • Ryan Sweeder
  • Rachel Barnard